Market Study  

    CISI preparing the market study of various  Indonesia's flagship products, such as palm oil, coal, textile, property, cars, trucks and others. Market study covers the supply and demand, market development, business prospects and other developments. To further simplify the reader, Market study is also equipped with a directory of leading companies in the business of each, so that readers can easily to find prospective partners.
Market Study is processed through  data collection from various sources such as relevant ministries, the Central Bureau of Statistics, related business associations, the source of the media and also various other accurate sources.

    That market study is packed into a luxury hard cover book. Market study is presented in 2 languages namely English and Indonesian languages. Customers can obtain it by ordering directly and fill out the order form that has been provided, then send it to us.

Adhoc Study

    CISI is ready to assist the prospective foreign investors and also other partners who want to know the development of a product in Indonesian market in detail, including the growth and prospects of the business until the next  several years.
    In preparing the adhock  study, CISI will pull through direct surveys coupled with data collected from various sources that are accurate, such as ministries, the Central Bureau of Statistics,various business associations, as well as sources of massmedia both print and electronic as well.
The  adhock study products  can be obtained by submitting a request to CISI, either through e-mail, faximily, letters and others,including sending quotation, subject everything you  want to be known. CISI will serve well the assignor and always seek for completing  duties on time.

Feasibility Study
     CISI is ready to help provide product of feasibility study to prospective investors and companies who want to build a business in Indonesia. Generally, prospective investors who intend to build an industry in Indonesia, previously had to know before hand how the situation and market opportunities, industry growth is planned, the estimated size of investment, as well as licensing sector.
    Through this feasibility study the  potential investors will know the situation and conditions, including feasibility plan of their planned investments. CISI presents  this feasibility study based on direct survey, supported by accurate data obtained from various sources of accurate information, both related  ministries, the Central Bureau of Statistics, various business associations,non-departmental agencies and other sources.
Prospective investors can obtain a product of this feasibility study by sending a request  to the CISI via e-mail, faximily, letters and so forth. CISI will apply to prospective investors with time completion  and cost.

Business Directory

    Business Directory is a product that is very useful for business people in the field of suppliers, insurance, banking, and decision makers in a variety of other economic sectors. Through this business directory business people above could easily offer their merchandises. Team and CISI personnel who prepare these products have experienced in presenting these products and the accuracy of information  is also quite high.
Business Directory is processed through the direct interview  to each company coupled with the company's data collection derived from various sources, including releted ministries as well as other information sources. This product is presented in English and packed using luxurious hard cover. Interested can call directly to CISI or by filling out the order form provided on the quote, then send it to us either by faximily, e-mails, letters, and others.
Financial Statement Company
    CISI agreed to help find the financial statements for companies operating in Indonesia.   This product is very difficult to obtain in Indonesia, because the financial statement is a highly confidential product for companies in Indonesia.    CISI will help you find the financial statement, and handed it to you company.    CISI can only present these products if the company is reporting its financial statement to relevant ministries.    This product is certainly outside the companies that have the status as a public company.
Articles of Association Company
    CISI is also ready to help  customers  in providing a legal article of association of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights,especially for companies incorporated in Indonesia.   CISI Any one enthusiasts to it just simply contact us either by phone, fax, email and other means of communication and CISI will find a legal article of association as well as send it to the applicant via e-mail and followed with a hard copy via courrier.
    The professionals who prepared this report have experienced in providing similar reports to the multi-national companies in different countries, like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, PRC,USA, Germany, GreatBritain, Spain, India and many other countries. The report also been known by many financial institutions in various countries around the world. We do not specify one by one company or financial institution so that the confidentiality of each party are well preserved.
    In accordance with his experience, the professionals who prepared the report already has good relations with the various sources of information, so that each request can be served quickly and arrived on time on the desk of the  assignors.
    CISI packed this report with a variety of forms, according to the needs and demands of its customers.    Report was presented to the assignors and is not used for things that break the law. The forms of  CISI CIR reports are presented as follows:
Our Multi Client Study
Name of Studies
Standard of Indonesia MANUFACTURERS Directory
Study on Industry and Marketing of Petrochemical in Indonesia and Its Prospect up to 2015
Standard of Indonesian PALM OIL Directory
Study on Industry and Marketing of Oleochemical in Indonesia and Its Prospect up to 2015
Feasibility Study on Star HOTEL Development in Indonesia, 2009-2013
Study on Industry and Marketing of PLASTIC BASIC MATERIALS in Indonesia and Its Prospect up to 2015
Study On Industry and Market of PULP & PAPER And Its Business Prospects In Indonesia, 2009
Feasibility Study On PALM OIL Plantation and Its Refinery, 2009
Feasibility Study on the Construction and Investment of CEMENT Plant in Indonesia, 2009
Profiles  of CEMENT Industries In Indonesia
Profiles of 10 COAL Business Players in Indonesia
The Comperhensive 40 Major Group of
Companies in Indonesia, 2008-2009
The Exclusive Profile of
The Big-10 Indonesian Palm Oil Players, 2008
Study on Prospect & Opportunity Business Apartement in DKI Jakarta, 2010